Reflections on art

The Manifesto of 2009


  • The Manifesto in the catalog "Concerto for two hearts"

  • Marzuk reads his Manifesto during the varnishing of Vence, in September, 2009

This exhibition is, for me, a manifesto. Which does not denounce, but who announces. 

It is the manifesto of a change of paradigm, that is vision of the world, that will take all its place slowly but surely throughout the century and will become, a next, brilliant day.

Sociologically, the modernity - With the cynicism which characterizes her - is a historic period which ends. One of its characteristics is a propensity to formulate beautiful theories very rarely applied. While what emerges since a few decades, and announces the future, separates on no account the theory of the practice. For example, if we are for the equality absolved from the rights between men and women, then, in all the measure of the possible, we apply him in our lives.

Also in this pictorial series putting forward the importance of the tenderness as the fine point of the human being in the love relation, no intellectual posture, no philosophic or utopian formulation, but the ethical attitude really lived for 30 years. 

Resolutely forward-looking, against the current of the general trend in our time this artistic, poetic, philosophic, obvious work the strength of the drives of life on intrusive mortiferous drives of the current decades.

In the old modernity, to draw the attention, a manifesto owed make in the provocation before sink into oblivion quickly. My position, for years, is that the work, by its internal strength, by its breath of the truth, is imperative smoothly and very slowly, but stands out profoundly and durably.

This artistic work returns within the framework of an ecology of the thought. To use current terms, "sustainable development" of the human thought, the real art of which is one of necessary nutriments.